Analysis of variance

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests for a difference among means of more than two groups.

In an ANOVA we compare more than two sample means. We can't just perform lots of t-tests between pairs of means because this would inflate our Type-I error r...

Why we can't just perform lots of t-tests

We know how to compare two samples using a t-test, so we might be tempted to just perform lots of pairwise t-tests. The problem is that doing all of these tests will inflate our Type-I error rate. Instead we want a single test of our single null hypothesis.

The basics of ANOVA. How does ANOVA make comparisons among sample means?

Overview of ANOVA

The basics of ANOVA. How does ANOVA provide a single test for whether all population means are equal across all of our groups?

All the nitty gritty about how we calculate F statistics, mean squares and degrees of freedom in an ANOVA.

The Nuts and Bolts of ANOVA

An ANOVA uses an F test to calculate a P-value. The F statistics is based on the ratio of among-group variation relative to within-group variation. Here we will go over where all of these numbers come from and how they are calculated.

We can measure the among of variation that is explained by the among-group variance using an r-square value.

R-square in ANOVA

We can measure the proportion of variation that is explained by our among-group factor using a R-square.

While an ANOVA can tell us whether there are differences among groups it can't tell us exactly which groups are different from which. For this we need to per...

ANOVA post hoc tests

While an ANOVA can tell us whether there are differences among groups, it cannot tell us which means are different from which. To do this, we need to perform a post hoc test.

One of the powerful features of ANOVA is its ability to test multiple hypotheses at the same time, including tests of interactions between effects.

Multi-Factor ANOVA and Interactions

So far we have talked only about the effects of one factor on a continuous response, but ANOVA can be used to test the effects of multiple factors and their statistical interactions at the same time.

Additional Resources

Whitlock & Schluter - The Analysis of Biological Data

Chapter 15: pages 463-486 [Sapling]


ANOVA: One-way analysis of variance

Intro: A worked example of ANOVA.


ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test in R

Intermediate: Code tutorial video for comparing means of multiple groups in R.

One-way ANOVA versus two-way ANOVA

Intermediate: Brief comparison of the two tests.


Review Questions

  1. In an ANOVA with 4 groups, a rejection of the null hypothesis implies which of the following?

    (A) Some subset of population means differs from some other subset of population means.

    (B) The 4 population means are equal to each other.

    (C) Each population mean differs significantly from all other population means.

  2. What do you think the F value will be for the following figure?


3. What is a non-parametric alternative to the ANOVA?

The Next Steps


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